This is kind of a cop out, but...

As part of my goals for 2011, I'm trying to blog more regularly -- once a week, right here, to be precise.  As I mentioned, I don't quite have the rhythm down yet.  This is evidenced by the fact that I'm sitting in bed at 11:30pm on Sunday night writing this half-assed post, just so that I can get it in before the week ends... So, in order to stick to my guns and my schedule, here's a bit of a cop out, in the form of a brief list of things I've been thinking about and want to get down on paper at some point soon:

  • The Enterprise End-Run -- servicing enterprise users without working with enterprise clients.

  • Where OpenPlans is headed -- what's on tap for 2011.

  • Listening to the Internet -- if you feel like no one is talking to you, chances are you're wrong; you're just not listening correctly.

  • There's a man in my inbox! -- it's all about the inbox, and I want a little man in there helping me out every day.

  • My dad's start up story -- thirty-two years ago, my father started a company from nothing, and is still in business today.

  • The adjacent possible -- why this is such a neat way of thinking about new ideas.

There are a handful of other ideas swimming in my head soup as well, and I will try and keep those flowing to the Exobrain in near real-time. And, with that, I will hit publish and see you next week.

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