T-shirt roundup

Everyone is strutting their best transpo Ts here at the Towards Carfree Cities conference. Here are a few highlights...

Official Carfree conference t-shirt. We're trying to get our hands on a couple of these babies.

Lots more after the jump. Updated many times so check back for new ones...

Lots of critical mass t-shirts, from many different cities. Budapest, above.

And Rome as well. This shirt is donned by Chris Carlsson, author of Nowtopia.

Another one by Carlsson. According to him, he has a whole closet full of these. This one's a little blurry, but you can make out "one less car" in neon in the shop window.

A commentary on the inherent conflict between bicycles and streetcars. TOPP's Art Director Carly Clark had a little run-in with the tracks on our way home last night; don't worry, she's fine.

Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only Clarence Eckerson

And, of course, the Street Fight shirt we made to go along with our talk today.


This shirt is from an organization in Guadalajara called "Ciudad Para Todos" (city for all), that formed around the city's proposal to turn an arterial street into an at-grade highway, dividing two neighborhoods permanently. They were able to broker a compromise, however, that leaves normal use mon-fri. Unfortunately, on the weekends, the street is used as a highway.


Large latin american contingent here in Portland.


A spanish take on the classic..


A carfree take on the "Evolution of Man" illustration...

... and another.

This shirt if from a car-free day in Toronto. The shirt reads: "no cars, bikes go with caution, people walk freely".

You might notice that most of these t-shirts are about bicycling. At one of the sessions I attended, we had an interesting conversation about bike vs. ped advocacy, and the fact that it seems to be easier to find a dedicated constituency around bicycling than around pedestrian issues. If you look at the landscape of advocacy organizations here in the US, that certainly seems true, although here in NYC nearly everyone is a walking advocate, whether they know it or not. Anyway, this design is a good one to close on: "Pedestrian Power" from Threadless...

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