Cescalouise and I have started using Wunderlist to keep track of shared to-dos (bills to pay, stuff to buy, etc). I’ve been a user of Wunderlist for a number of years now and have written about it before.
The shared lists in Wunderlist actually seem to be working for us. Whenever she adds or updates an item, I get a notification, and vice versa. This is helpful, for me at least, and can hopefully help her get less annoyed at me for forgetting things :)
I mentioned yesterday that I thought it was working pretty well, and her response was: “we’ll see. systems cover up symptoms.” Which is a fair point, I think. It’s easy for me to waste time fiddling around with a perfect system and feel like I’m making a lot of progress, while not actually changing the underlying thing (in this case, not paying attention to things as much as I should).
In this particular case I am hopeful that the system will help solve the root problem, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.