New Years cleaning

I love milestones.  Times of year that mark change and give you a chance to pause and reset. I think that's part of why I had such a hard time living in California during college, and why I appreciated the seasons so much when I moved back east.  They provide a very natural rhythm. The time between Christmas and New Years is one of my favorite transition times.  I love the fact that nearly everyone is on vacation, so everything slows down.  In the past I have usually stayed at work during that week and used the time to catch up on everything. With new years, I love the opportunity to pause, take stock of everything, get organized, and get ready to hit the ground running in the new year. For me, this is my "spring cleaning", more than anything I do in the spring. Here's what I'm working towards this week to get cleaned up and ready for 2013:

  • Resetting email. I got crushed on email in the last month, and have a lot of open threads (I apologize to anyone I owe an email to).  I am working towards inbox zero by New Years.

  • Rebooting my blog -- as of yesterday, I've merged my blog and my tumblog into one.  I've moved my blog archives dating back to 2006 to the Wayback Archive, and am doing everything on Tumblr now.  Fewer things; more focus.

  • Mundane things around the house -- Yesterday Cescalouise and I cleaned out our basement, and I organized my mess of a closet.  Both feel super good to have done, and help create an overall sense of healthiness.

  • Going to get a haircut :)

And as always happens, I'm using this time to get inspired about 2013.  I've been collecting some quotes that are getting me fired up.

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