How to Read a Pitch

Yesterday, we had a team offsite at USV, which included a "presentation party" where a bunch of us gave 3-minute presentations on a variety of topics. It was actually a perfect window into everyone's personality -- Andy gleaned lessons about venture capital from music lyrics (of course), Albert talked about beauty in math focusing on the Fibonacci sequence, Bethany talked about her early entrepreneurial adventures with Beanie Babies, Gillian walked us through the fun things you can find in a proxy statement, Matt introduced us to Kayfabe.  That's just a few, but suffice to say they were all great, and were totally on-brand with everyone's personalities.

Not surprisingly, I decided to talk about the beauty I see in Baseball, focusing on just one small thing: the way the batter reads the spin on an incoming pitch.  Here it is -- enjoy (I recommend holding a baseball while you watch, if you have one):

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